Simerons Digipak:
How did your
group share your ideas and design around?
Once we had both finished our digipak drafts we discussed the different colours we used, the pictures and the typography. We looked at what we thought were the best one of each of our two drafts and as we liked different aspects from each digipak. Together we decided to use the same image of the woman in the dance pose and decided to use bright lights and glowing effects on the writing to convey the dance genre well.
What I like
about it?
Overall I really like Simerons digipak design, I think that it conveys the dance genre through use of colours, typography and images. There is a colour scheme used for this digipak which is black, red and blue, the black conveys the dark, mysterious atmosphere that relates to a clubbing atmosphere, also the bright colours e.g pink, red, blue, yellow, green all convey bright lights you could find in a club. Also I like the back cover as the song titles are listed around the 'save the world' logo, it is a very cool effect and as the typography has a glowing font added to it, it conveys the dance genre as it is bright.
How is the digipak conventional to your music genre?
Simerons digipak is convention to the dance genre as it is full of bright lights over a black background which portrays the clubbing scene. All of the typography is in bright coloured writing and has a glow effect. All of the images of the woman have a blur effect of them so she appears like she is moving, also to convey this idea that she is moving even more, on two of the pages Simeron has edited the image so that the womans head if swinging the opposite way.
Simerons digipak is convention to the dance genre as it is full of bright lights over a black background which portrays the clubbing scene. All of the typography is in bright coloured writing and has a glow effect. All of the images of the woman have a blur effect of them so she appears like she is moving, also to convey this idea that she is moving even more, on two of the pages Simeron has edited the image so that the womans head if swinging the opposite way.
How can the digipak be improved?
I think the digipak can be improved by the Ministry of Sound logo being more visible as it is something that people recognise and is well known as a dance record label logo. Also I think the front page could be improved slightly by making the artist name 'Phil and the Jukebox' bigger than the album title 'Save The World'.
I think the digipak can be improved by the Ministry of Sound logo being more visible as it is something that people recognise and is well known as a dance record label logo. Also I think the front page could be improved slightly by making the artist name 'Phil and the Jukebox' bigger than the album title 'Save The World'.
What digipak will you submit and why?
The digipak we are going to submit as our final one will be Simerons second digipak as we both agreed that it was the best design, layout and shows off the dance genre really well. The colours, images and typography used on this digipak all portray the dance genre really well, for example the bright coloured writing conveys the bright lights in a club, the image of the dancing girl conforms to the dance codes and conventions. Usually woman in dance music videos wear revealing clothing, so to conform to that we have used an image of our friend who is wearing short shorts and a black crop top. The distorted effect and the repetition of the woman in a dance pose, creates a feel that she is moving or dancing. The use of bright lights on three of the background pages convey strobe lights in a club and really bring out the dance feel of this CD so when someone looks at the digipak I think they will relate it to the dance genre straight away. Also the close up of the womans face on the CD cover has been edited with use of bright colours, so the audience can tell it is an image of a woman but it also conveys the bright lights in a club.
My digipak
Final Digipak/Simerons
My digipak

Final Digipak/Simerons